All software
Showing programs 261 to 1903 of 1643 starting with letter K
706 total downloads 3 last week |
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Free to try
Low cost Html5 animation software combining ease of use with powerful features
Updated: January 11th 2021
6,655 total downloads 2 last week |
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719 total downloads 6 last week |
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909 total downloads 4 last week |
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Kaspersky Virus Scanner for Mac
A free, easy-to-use tool to check your Mac for viruses, Trojans and more.
Updated: February 14th 2018
796 total downloads 4 last week |
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2,457 total downloads 4 last week |
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556 total downloads 3 last week |
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Kanto Karaoke
Free to try
A powerful karaoke player and recorder utility to enjoy with karaoke files
Updated: May 30th 2014
2,583 total downloads 4 last week |
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614 total downloads 4 last week |
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Kriya Yoga Mahavatar Babaji
Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other Prophets were past masters in the use of kriya.
Updated: September 7th 2010
4,731 total downloads 5 last week |
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629 total downloads 1 last week |
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677 total downloads 6 last week |
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794 total downloads 6 last week |
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1,206 total downloads 4 last week |
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Komodo IDE (Windows)
Free to try
Komodo IDE from ActiveState for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript
Updated: August 22nd 2012
1,653 total downloads 4 last week |
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KaraWin Std
Free to try
KaraWin is a Karaoke Midi MP3 CDG AVI player for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP
Updated: February 3rd 2012
1,278 total downloads 2 last week |
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547 total downloads 4 last week |
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Kaka PDF Converter
which enables you to convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, HTML, JPG, etc
Updated: June 7th 2021
450 total downloads 4 last week |
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kostenlos pokern
poker themed screensaver from the kostenlos online pokern community
Updated: March 25th 2009
772 total downloads 4 last week |
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Keyboard Software Wedge TWedge
Free to try
Software Wedge, Keyboard Wedge for RS232, TCP/IP, USB, Bluetooth Data Collection
Updated: August 25th 2011
2,249 total downloads 4 last week |
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